Minecraft : Jurnalele Gusterilor , supravietuire in 2 - Episod pilot
In aceste zile superbe care vor urma efectiv tv va va prezenta o serie noua numita Jurnalele Gusterilor. Acesta serie este una mai veche pe cand noi ne numea VisionGamersRO si bineinteles aveam un alt canal. Ne-am hotart sa va aducem aceasta serie spre deciliul vostru , sa vedeti si voi ce nebunii am facut pe cand eram noi mai "tineri".
Minecraft is a sandbox construction game, inspired by Infiniminer, Dwarf Fortress and Dungeon Keeper, created by Markus Persson, the founder of Mojang AB. The game involves players creating and destroying various types of blocks in a three-dimensional environment. The player takes on an avatar that can destroy or create blocks, forming fantastic structures, creations, and artwork, on multiplayer servers and singleplayer worlds across multiple game modes.
Minecraft is available to players for €19.95 ($26.95 USD). Singleplayer and multiplayer, when purchased, can be played in the user's web browser, or using the downloadable launcher. Minecraft Classic is available to play for free. Minecraft development started around May 10, 2009, and pre-orders for the full game started being accepted on June 13, 2009. Minecraft's official release date was November 18, 2011.
On August 16, 2011, Minecraft - Pocket Edition was released for the Xperia Play. After its exclusivity with Sony expired, it was released for Android devices on October 7, 2011, and iOS devices on November 17, 2011 for $6.99 USD.
On May 9, 2012, Minecraft was released for the Xbox 360 on Xbox Live Arcade for 1600 Microsoft Points ($20.00 USD), where it soon shattered every previous sales record.
On February 11, 2013, Minecraft: Pi Edition was released exclusively for the Raspberry Pi. It is based on the Pocket Edition and is available for free at Mojang's dedicated blog. The Pi Edition is intended as an educational tool for novice programmers and users are encouraged to open and change the game's code using its API.
Neata dragi telespectatori si bine v-am gasit pe EfectivTV. O sa gasiti aici doza voastra zilnica de amuzament si gameing. Uni dintre voi poate ne cunoasteti de pe celalalt canal "VisionGamers" , pentru cei care nu ne cunoasteti , ei bine suntem 3 persoane momentan , impatimite de jocuri video si alte cele (bere , femei , treburi dastea) si cam atat despre noi :)). Speram sa va placa despre noi si sa ne ramaneti alaturi de noi pana cand vine sfarsitul lumii :)).
vineri, 29 martie 2013
joi, 28 martie 2013
League of Legends : ZAC Champion Spotlight
luni, 25 martie 2013
Left 4 Dead : No Mercy " Chapter III "
Left 4 Dead : No Mercy " Chapter III " - un video prezentat de efectivtv
sâmbătă, 23 martie 2013
League of Legends : ZAC Champion Spotlight
League of Lgends a anuntat de curand venirea unui nou erou pe campurile dreptatii. ZAC sau Zaun Amorphous Combatant este o arma secreta scapata dintr-un laborator al Ligii.
Cei care doriti sa ajutati cu niste referali aici aveti linkurile:
biili: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4fc0d38fb5e75779252784
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows, inspired by the popular Defense of the Ancients map for Warcraft III. It is a free-to-play game, supported by micro-transactions. It was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009.
League of Legends was generally well received at release, and has grown in popularity in the years since. Riot Games claims that League of Legends averages over 12 million players worldwide per day, with peak concurrent global players over 5 million players.
Zac is the product of a Zaun experiment to manufacture a hexchem-engineered supersoldier -- the Zaun Amorphous Combatant. Combining brute strength with limitless flexibility, he is a versatile juggernaut: a creative fighter who bounces over obstacles and pounds his foes into submission. Though he was created inside a weapons laboratory, Zac was rescued and adopted by two loving parents who raised him to be a kind and friendly child. As the years passed, he grew up to be a fierce hero, sworn to protect the ordinary, everyday people of Zaun.
Long ago, two Zaun scientists developed an organic substance that could withstand extreme conditions, spontaneously alter its biological structure, and generate tremendous amounts of kinetic force. As the scientists, husband and wife, watched the prototype grow from a spoon-sized droplet to a small blob, they noticed that their creation would respond to their presence. It sprung forward when they called and bounced when they sang. The couple began to see more than an experiment; they saw a small child, filled with affection and joy.
League of Legends and Riot Games Inc. are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. Clip realizat de catre gusterii de la EfectivTV
vineri, 22 martie 2013
joi, 21 martie 2013
Efectiv TV
Neata dragi telespectatori si bine v-am gasit pe Efectiv TV. O sa gasiti aici doza voastra zilnica de amuzament si gameing. Uni dintre voi poate ne cunoasteti de pe celalalt canal "VisionGamers" , pentru cei care nu ne cunoasteti , ei bine suntem 3 persoane momentan , impatimite de jocuri video si alte cele (bere , femei , treburi dastea) si cam atat despre noi :)). Speram sa va placa despre noi si sa ne ramaneti alaturi de noi pana cand vine sfarsitul lumii :)).
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